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  • Calf Tox | Botox | The Sanba Group

    Calf Tox Thinner Legs CalfTox, a specialized Botox treatment targeting the calf muscles, is gaining popularity as a non-surgical option for individuals seeking slimmer, more contoured legs. At Sana Physician Group, Dr. Philip Kuan offers this innovative treatment to help reduce the bulk of overdeveloped calf muscles, resulting in a more refined leg shape. This procedure is ideal for those who want to achieve a leaner silhouette without the risks and recovery time associated with surgical procedures. ​ The calf muscles, particularly the gastrocnemius, can become overdeveloped due to genetics, frequent high-intensity exercise, or activities like running or cycling. While strong calves can be an asset for athletic performance, some individuals may find them aesthetically unappealing, leading to a desire for a slimmer appearance. CalfTox works by injecting Botox into the targeted muscles, causing them to relax and reduce in size over time. This gradual reduction allows for a more natural transformation in leg shape. ​ Dr. Kuan’s expertise in administering CalfTox ensures that the procedure is safe, effective, and tailored to each patient’s unique anatomy. During the consultation, he carefully assesses the size and structure of the calf muscles, determining the optimal injection points and dosage. The procedure itself is quick, typically taking around 15 to 30 minutes, and involves minimal discomfort. Most patients report only mild soreness at the injection sites, which resolves quickly. ​ One of the key benefits of CalfTox is that it offers a non-invasive solution for muscle reduction. Unlike surgical procedures such as calf reduction surgery, Botox injections do not require anesthesia or a lengthy recovery period. Patients can return to their daily activities immediately after treatment, making it a convenient option for those with busy lifestyles. The results of CalfTox become noticeable within a few weeks, with full effects appearing after two to three months. ​ The slimming effects of CalfTox typically last between six to twelve months, depending on the patient’s muscle activity and lifestyle. For those looking to maintain the results, periodic treatments are recommended. Over time, repeated sessions can lead to a more permanent reduction in muscle size as the calf muscles gradually weaken and adapt to the treatment. This makes CalfTox an appealing long-term solution for individuals seeking a leaner leg appearance. ​ Dr. Philip Kuan’s CalfTox treatment at Sana Physician Group offers a safe and effective way to achieve thinner, more graceful legs. Whether you’re looking to enhance your leg shape for aesthetic reasons or reduce the bulkiness caused by overdeveloped muscles, this treatment provides a non-surgical option with minimal downtime. With Dr. Kuan’s personalized approach, patients can enjoy the benefits of slimmer legs without the risks of invasive procedures. 此語言尚未有已發佈之文章 文章發佈後將於此處顯示。

  • Trapezius | Botox | The Sanba Group

    Trapezius Botox Barbie Neck The trapezius muscles, which extend from the base of the skull down to the middle of the back and across the shoulders, are often a source of tension and pain due to poor posture, stress, or overuse. At Sana Physician Group, Dr. Philip Kuan offers a highly effective treatment for neck and shoulder pain caused by overactive trapezius muscles using Botox injections. This non-surgical approach helps relax the muscles, providing relief from chronic pain and tension. ​ Many patients experience tightness and discomfort in the trapezius due to prolonged periods of sitting, working at a desk, or physical stress. Over time, this tension can lead to muscle spasms, headaches, and even limit range of motion in the neck and shoulders. By administering Botox into the trapezius muscles, Dr. Kuan targets the source of the pain, helping to reduce muscle contractions and alleviate discomfort. This treatment is especially beneficial for those who have not found relief through physical therapy or other conventional methods. ​ In addition to pain relief, Botox injections in the trapezius can also improve posture. When the trapezius muscles are overly tight, they can pull the shoulders up, leading to a hunched appearance and contributing to long-term strain. By relaxing these muscles, patients often find that their shoulders naturally lower, creating a more relaxed and balanced posture. This added benefit not only enhances comfort but also contributes to an improved overall appearance. ​ The treatment process is quick and minimally invasive, typically taking only 10-15 minutes. Dr. Kuan carefully evaluates each patient’s specific condition to determine the precise injection points and the appropriate dosage of Botox. Patients can expect to see a reduction in pain and muscle tension within a few days to two weeks after the procedure, with effects lasting three to six months. For those with chronic issues, periodic treatments can help maintain ongoing relief. ​ Botox for trapezius pain is a safe and well-tolerated treatment with minimal downtime. Patients can usually resume their normal activities immediately after the procedure, making it a convenient option for those with busy schedules. Additionally, Dr. Kuan’s expertise ensures that the treatment is tailored to each individual, minimizing any risk of side effects while maximizing the therapeutic benefits. ​ For individuals suffering from chronic neck and shoulder pain, Dr. Philip Kuan’s Botox treatment at Sana Physician Group offers a non-surgical and highly effective solution. By addressing the underlying muscle tension in the trapezius, this treatment not only alleviates pain but also improves posture and enhances overall well-being, allowing patients to return to their daily activities with greater comfort and ease. 此語言尚未有已發佈之文章 文章發佈後將於此處顯示。

  • Migraine Treatment | Botox | The Sanba Group

    Migraine Protocol Migraine Treatment Migraines can be debilitating, affecting every aspect of a person’s life. At Sana Physician Group, Dr. Philip Kuan offers a specialized migraine protocol designed to reduce the frequency and severity of migraines using Botox injections. This FDA-approved treatment has become a reliable solution for chronic migraine sufferers, offering relief where other medications may have fallen short. By targeting specific trigger points around the head and neck, Dr. Kuan provides a personalized approach to migraine management. ​ Botox for migraines works by blocking the release of chemicals that transmit pain signals to the brain. It is injected into specific areas of the forehead, temples, neck, and shoulders where tension builds and triggers migraines. These injections help relax muscles and reduce the overactivity of nerves, preventing the onset of migraines before they even start. Dr. Kuan’s expertise ensures that the injections are precisely administered for maximum effectiveness, providing patients with long-term relief. ​ The migraine protocol at Sana Physician Group involves a series of small injections given every three months, with each session lasting about 15 to 30 minutes. Most patients begin to see a reduction in the number of headache days within two to three weeks after the first treatment. Over time, many patients experience a dramatic decrease in the frequency and intensity of their migraines, allowing them to regain control of their daily lives. ​ For individuals who suffer from chronic migraines—defined as experiencing 15 or more headache days per month—this protocol can be life-changing. Many patients report improved productivity, better sleep, and a significant reduction in migraine-related symptoms like nausea and sensitivity to light. Dr. Kuan works closely with each patient to monitor their progress and adjust the treatment plan as needed, ensuring long-lasting relief. ​ Botox for migraines is not only effective but also a safe treatment option. The injections are minimally invasive, with little to no downtime required. Most patients can resume their normal activities immediately after the procedure. Additionally, Botox has a well-established safety profile, with very few side effects when administered by an experienced physician like Dr. Kuan. At Sana Physician Group, patients can feel confident that they are receiving top-tier care in a comfortable and supportive environment. ​ For those who have tried other treatments without success, the migraine protocol at Sana Physician Group offers a new avenue for relief. With Dr. Philip Kuan’s expertise and the proven efficacy of Botox, migraine sufferers can experience a significant improvement in their quality of life, free from the constant burden of chronic headaches. 此語言尚未有已發佈之文章 文章發佈後將於此處顯示。

  • 服务 | The Sanba Group

    注射剂 Botox 和 Dysport 都是注射疗法,用于减少细纹和皱纹的出现。 Botox 是一种肉毒毒素,通过小剂量注射来放松面部目标肌肉,而 Dysport 是一种类似的治疗方法,也可以帮助减少衰老迹象。我们的专家团队将引导您了解每种治疗的详细信息,以便您选择适合您的治疗。我们提供多种治疗方案,让您立竿见影,并帮助您长期保持年轻的外表。 预约治疗 Pricing Portfolio Botox and Dysport are both injectable treatments that are used to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Botox/Dysport Book Now Learn More Dermal fillers use hyaluronic acid to enhance and restore volume in the face and other areas of the body. Dermal Fillers Book Now Learn More IV infusion are fast and effective. Add-ons include ketamine, NAD+, & various vitamins. Our physicians will tailor an IV cocktail to your needs. IV Drip Infusions Book Now Learn More Exosomes are extracellular vesicles rich in regenerative factors to stimulate collagen and promote a more youthful appearance. PDRN is a substance extracted from salmon DNA that is believed to have tissue-repairing and wound-healing properties. Exosomes & PDRN Book Now Learn More Exosomes are extracellular vesicles containing growth factors and signaling molecules to stimulate hair follicle regeneration and promote hair growth. Hair Restoration Book Now Learn More Injection with Botox or Dysport can make you a 'shower' not just a grower, help smooth out scrotal skin, and treat erectile dysfunction. Sexual Wellness Book Now Learn More GLP-1 peptides such as semaglutide and tirzepatide help regulate appetite and promotes weight loss by mimicking the action of a naturally occurring hormone. Weight Management Book Now Learn More R-CPD is where the upper esophageal sphincter fails to relax properly. Symptoms include bloating, abdominal pressure, gurgling in the chest or throat, or excessive flatulence. R-CPD ("no burp") Book Now Learn More What is this gonna cost me? We will create a personalized plan according to your goals and your budget. Final amounts will be determined at consultation. For example, a typical TMJ treatment may consist of 40-60 units of Botox (120-180 units of Dysport). Regarding fillers, 2-3cc of fillers are used per side, depending on the region of the face. 价钱 我们按使用的材料收费,而不是按“治疗区域”收费。 这样,您只需支付您需要的费用! 16 美元 p 呃肉毒杆菌 单元 每 3 个运动障碍单位 800 美元 每 1 cc 福贝拉 900 美元 每 1 cc 体积 900 美元 每 1 cc Ultra XC 1000 美元 每 1 cc 容量 1,100 美元 每 1 cc 体积 900 美元 每 1 cc Ultra XC 1000 美元 每 1 cc 容量 1,100 美元 每 1 cc 体积 900 美元 每 1 cc Ultra XC 1000 美元 每 1 cc 容量 1,100 美元 每 1 cc 体积 感言 “我第一次注射肉毒杆菌有点担心,但是关医生让我感到放心。效果非常棒,我看起来年轻了很多!强烈推荐!” 艾弗里

  • DAO | Botox | The Sanba Group

    DAO Treatment Resting Bitch Face The Depressor Anguli Oris (DAO) muscle is responsible for pulling down the corners of the mouth, which can cause a downturned or frowning appearance even when the face is at rest. This look, often referred to as “Resting Bitch Face” (RBF), can leave individuals appearing unhappy or unapproachable despite their actual mood. At Sana Physician Group, Dr. Philip Kuan offers a targeted treatment for downturned lips by addressing the DAO muscle with Botox or Dysport injections, effectively lifting the corners of the mouth and providing a more relaxed and approachable expression. ​ The DAO treatment is particularly popular among patients who feel their natural expression gives off a stern or unfriendly impression, even in neutral or positive situations. By weakening the DAO muscle, Dr. Kuan can soften the downward pull on the corners of the lips, allowing them to rest in a more neutral or slightly upward position. This creates a natural and subtle improvement, giving patients a refreshed and more welcoming look without the need for invasive procedures. ​ Dr. Kuan's expertise at Sana Physician Group ensures that the treatment is tailored to each individual’s facial structure and aesthetic goals. During the consultation, he carefully assesses the patient's muscle activity and facial balance to determine the most effective placement for Botox or Dysport injections. The procedure itself is quick and minimally invasive, often taking only 10-15 minutes, with little to no downtime afterward. Patients can return to their daily activities immediately after the session, making it an ideal "lunchtime" treatment. ​ Results from DAO treatment typically begin to appear within a few days and continue to improve over the next one to two weeks. The effects last anywhere from three to six months, depending on the individual, after which patients can return for follow-up treatments to maintain their new look. For many, the transformation not only changes how others perceive them but also boosts their own confidence, helping them feel more in sync with their true emotions and demeanor. ​ In addition to the aesthetic benefits, treating downturned lips with Botox or Dysport can also have psychological effects. Many patients report feeling more positive and approachable after the procedure, as they no longer have to worry about their resting expression being misinterpreted. Dr. Kuan’s approach at Sana Physician Group focuses on subtle enhancements that maintain the patient’s natural beauty while offering a significant improvement in their overall facial expression. ​ For those seeking a solution to the "RBF" or downturned lips, Dr. Philip Kuan at Sana Physician Group provides a reliable and effective treatment option. With his extensive experience in facial aesthetics, Dr. Kuan ensures that each patient receives the highest level of care and attention, delivering results that are both beautiful and natural. 此語言尚未有已發佈之文章 文章發佈後將於此處顯示。

  • Portfolio Before & After | The Sanba Group

    Portfolio Botox and Dysport relax wrinkles. Fillers restore volume to fill in hollow areas and enhance bone structure. Together, these treatments can create a more youthful facial contour and achieve a natural-looking rejuvenation. We can come up with a personalized plan to help you achieve your aesthetic goals! Check out the Before & After gallery below.

  • Hyperhidrosis | Botox | The Sanba Group

    Hyperhidrosis Botox for Excessive Sweating Botox and Dysport, commonly known for their cosmetic uses in reducing wrinkles, are also highly effective in treating hyperhidrosis, a condition characterized by excessive sweating. At Sana Physician Group, Dr. Philip Kuan offers this treatment as a non-invasive solution for patients suffering from hyperhidrosis in areas such as the hands, palms, feet, and armpits (axillae). By targeting the sweat glands directly, Botox and Dysport can significantly reduce perspiration, improving the quality of life for individuals who struggle with this condition. Hyperhidrosis occurs when the nerves responsible for signaling sweat glands become overactive, even without physical exertion or heat. Botox and Dysport work by temporarily blocking the chemical signals from the nerves that stimulate these sweat glands. Once injected, the glands in the treated areas stop producing excess sweat. For those suffering from hyperhidrosis in the hands and palms, this treatment can help alleviate discomfort in social and professional situations, where sweaty handshakes can become an embarrassing issue. Similarly, excessive sweating in the feet can cause problems with odor, skin irritation, and the constant discomfort of wet shoes. Treatment with Botox or Dysport can minimize this by reducing the sweat production in the feet, allowing patients to feel more confident and comfortable in their day-to-day activities. Dr. Kuan ensures that each injection is precisely placed to provide optimal relief, tailoring the procedure to meet the individual needs of each patient. The armpits are one of the most common areas affected by hyperhidrosis, and treating this area can have a profound impact on a person’s self-confidence. Whether it’s stained clothes or the fear of noticeable sweat marks, excessive armpit sweating can make daily life difficult. By injecting Botox or Dysport into the armpits, Dr. Kuan can help control perspiration, often delivering results that last for six to twelve months, allowing patients to enjoy a sweat-free experience for an extended period. One of the benefits of choosing Sana Physician Group for hyperhidrosis treatment is the expertise and care provided by Dr. Philip Kuan. With extensive experience in administering both Botox and Dysport, Dr. Kuan ensures that each treatment is customized and carried out with precision. His goal is to provide long-lasting relief with minimal discomfort, helping patients regain control over their lives without the constant worry of excessive sweating. For those who have tried other treatments such as prescription antiperspirants, oral medications, or even invasive surgeries without success, Botox and Dysport offer a highly effective alternative. Dr. Kuan and the team at Sana Physician Group are dedicated to providing compassionate care and cutting-edge solutions, ensuring that patients dealing with hyperhidrosis can live more comfortably and confidently. 此語言尚未有已發佈之文章 文章發佈後將於此處顯示。

  • 关于 | The Sanba Group

    關榮緯 医生 关医生是一位杰出且知识渊博的医疗保健专业人士,拥有令人印象深刻的四重委员会认证医师背景。他的医学卓越之旅包括加州大学旧金山分校和哈佛大学,在那里他接受了全面的培训,并将自己的技能磨练到完美。凭借对该领域不懈的热情,关博士致力于成为美学领域的真正权威。 ​ 真正让关博士与众不同的是他对美学艺术和科学的非凡承诺。在他的整个职业生涯中,他很幸运能够在美容行业几位先驱人物的指导下接受培训。这种独特的经历使他对该领域的最新进展和技术有了无与伦比的见解,使他能够为患者提供最先进、最有效的治疗方法。 ​ 作为一名以患者为中心的医生,关医生非常重视创建个性化的护理方法。他认为每个人都是独一无二的,他们的审美之旅应该反映他们独特的需求和愿望。关医生花时间彻底了解每位患者的目标和期望,与他们密切合作,制定量身定制的治疗计划,确保最高标准的美容效果。 Our Services 图片库 关博士的兴趣不仅限于户外活动。他是一位忠实的艺术爱好者,通过对歌剧、戏剧和百老汇作品的热爱,欣赏人类丰富的表达方式。他的文化追求并不局限于成为一名有鉴赏力的观众;他也是一位才华横溢的音乐家。关博士是一位才华横溢的钢琴家和小提琴家,他的音乐天赋为他多方面的生活增添了深度和创造力。 ​ 好像他的世界还不够迷人,关博士在他的两只心爱的猫的陪伴下找到了安慰和快乐。这些猫科动物朋友带来了安慰和陪伴,为他充满激情和活力的生活提供了平衡。 (如下图)。 我交了一个朋友! 在乌尤尼盐沼穿越玻利维亚时,当地居民非常热情! 背包旅行大峡谷 登顶沙斯塔山 我的第一次登山徒步旅行之一。第二天我们的帐篷被风吹走了,但我们仍然成功登顶! 巴库和马克西莫 我的救援小猫们 台湾美丽的山 库克山 新西兰 穿越塞伦盖蒂的野生动物园 坦桑尼亚、非洲 太浩环线步道 徒步穿越太浩湖边缘步道 内华达州 我的第一次长途跋涉——攀登乞力马扎罗山! 坦桑尼亚、非洲 我的第一次背包旅行 - 约翰缪尔步道 这是我沿途最喜欢的露营地 - 纯粹的魔法! 贼!在台湾 他们偷了我妈妈的包! 约翰·缪尔步道 (John Muir Trail) 上的克拉布特里草甸 (Crabtree Meadow) 我有土拨鼠邻居。这是他们的土地。

  • 首页 | The Sanba Group

    About Section 发现您皮肤的美丽 我们的专家医生能帮助你呈现最美的一面。我们用肉毒杆菌和填充疗来提高您的美丽,同时保持年轻的外表。是否Botox,Dysport,或 Juvederm,我们的专业可以达到您美学目标。 了解更多 Ask about our natural formula that masks odor. 自然之美可以实现 想要增加您的自然美吗?立即预约關医生 预约治疗 Want to learn more about TMJ Masseter Botox treatment? 此語言尚未有已發佈之文章 文章發佈後將於此處顯示。 门诊时间 礼宾服务 请通电话 周六 平常日 中午 12 点至晚上 7 点 请预约 Friday & Saturday Closed 地址 551 5th Ave, #525,NY NY 10176 Our Space To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key.

  • TMJ Treatment | Botox | The Sanba Group

    Masseter Botox TMJ Treatment The masseter muscles, located on either side of the jaw, play a crucial role in chewing but can become overactive due to stress or teeth grinding (bruxism). This overactivity often leads to jaw pain, tension headaches, and an enlarged jawline. At Sana Physician Group, Dr. Philip Kuan specializes in treating these issues with Botox or Dysport injections to relax the masseter muscles. This treatment not only alleviates pain and discomfort but also offers aesthetic benefits, such as a slimmer, more contoured face. ​ Teeth grinding and clenching, particularly during sleep, can cause significant wear and tear on the teeth, as well as discomfort in the jaw. Patients suffering from bruxism often experience symptoms like jaw soreness, migraines, and even damage to their dental work. By injecting Botox or Dysport into the masseters, Dr. Kuan can reduce the muscle's activity, minimizing teeth grinding and jaw tension. This provides patients with long-lasting relief from both the physical pain and the harmful effects on their teeth. ​ In addition to functional benefits, masseter Botox treatments offer a cosmetic advantage. Overdeveloped masseter muscles can contribute to a wider, more square-shaped jaw, which some individuals may find undesirable. By weakening the muscle with strategically placed injections, the jawline gradually becomes slimmer and more refined. Many patients seek this treatment for its ability to create a softer, more V-shaped facial contour without surgery. The results typically begin to appear after a few weeks and continue to improve over several months. ​ Dr. Kuan’s expertise ensures that the treatment is both effective and safe. He carefully assesses the patient's muscle structure and tailors the injections to achieve the desired result, whether it's for medical or aesthetic purposes. The procedure is quick, taking about 10 to 15 minutes, and involves little to no downtime, making it easy for patients to fit into their schedule. After treatment, patients can return to their daily activities without interruption. ​ The effects of Botox or Dysport injections for the masseters generally last between four to six months, with many patients returning for maintenance treatments to sustain their results. In addition to providing relief from jaw pain and grinding, the slimming effect on the face becomes more pronounced with repeated sessions. This dual benefit of pain relief and facial slimming makes the procedure highly sought after, especially for patients looking to address both functional and aesthetic concerns. ​ For individuals struggling with jaw pain, grinding, or those desiring a slimmer jawline, Dr. Philip Kuan at Sana Physician Group offers a comprehensive solution. His skillful approach to masseter Botox ensures patients achieve relief from discomfort while enjoying the added benefit of a more sculpted, balanced facial appearance. Whether you're seeking medical relief or a cosmetic enhancement, Dr. Kuan’s masseter treatment provides a minimally invasive and effective solution. 此語言尚未有已發佈之文章 文章發佈後將於此處顯示。

  • Calf Tox | Botox | The Sanba Group

    Calf Tox Thinner Legs CalfTox, a specialized Botox treatment targeting the calf muscles, is gaining popularity as a non-surgical option for individuals seeking slimmer, more contoured legs. At Sana Physician Group, Dr. Philip Kuan offers this innovative treatment to help reduce the bulk of overdeveloped calf muscles, resulting in a more refined leg shape. This procedure is ideal for those who want to achieve a leaner silhouette without the risks and recovery time associated with surgical procedures. ​ The calf muscles, particularly the gastrocnemius, can become overdeveloped due to genetics, frequent high-intensity exercise, or activities like running or cycling. While strong calves can be an asset for athletic performance, some individuals may find them aesthetically unappealing, leading to a desire for a slimmer appearance. CalfTox works by injecting Botox into the targeted muscles, causing them to relax and reduce in size over time. This gradual reduction allows for a more natural transformation in leg shape. ​ Dr. Kuan’s expertise in administering CalfTox ensures that the procedure is safe, effective, and tailored to each patient’s unique anatomy. During the consultation, he carefully assesses the size and structure of the calf muscles, determining the optimal injection points and dosage. The procedure itself is quick, typically taking around 15 to 30 minutes, and involves minimal discomfort. Most patients report only mild soreness at the injection sites, which resolves quickly. ​ One of the key benefits of CalfTox is that it offers a non-invasive solution for muscle reduction. Unlike surgical procedures such as calf reduction surgery, Botox injections do not require anesthesia or a lengthy recovery period. Patients can return to their daily activities immediately after treatment, making it a convenient option for those with busy lifestyles. The results of CalfTox become noticeable within a few weeks, with full effects appearing after two to three months. ​ The slimming effects of CalfTox typically last between six to twelve months, depending on the patient’s muscle activity and lifestyle. For those looking to maintain the results, periodic treatments are recommended. Over time, repeated sessions can lead to a more permanent reduction in muscle size as the calf muscles gradually weaken and adapt to the treatment. This makes CalfTox an appealing long-term solution for individuals seeking a leaner leg appearance. ​ Dr. Philip Kuan’s CalfTox treatment at Sana Physician Group offers a safe and effective way to achieve thinner, more graceful legs. Whether you’re looking to enhance your leg shape for aesthetic reasons or reduce the bulkiness caused by overdeveloped muscles, this treatment provides a non-surgical option with minimal downtime. With Dr. Kuan’s personalized approach, patients can enjoy the benefits of slimmer legs without the risks of invasive procedures. 此語言尚未有已發佈之文章 文章發佈後將於此處顯示。

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